Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bungee shorts

Perhaps you are perplexed by the referral to bungey shorts in the comments, and in case you have been looking for this product in your local store, let me explain: When I prepared for my trip to BC, I was told to travel light, because everything I would possibly need could be provided. Wouldn't you know it, the weather was warm and I started looking for shorts. My traveling partners came in size XXSM and XXL and since I am sort of in between, we came up with the bungee shorts. "One size fits all". You can always count on every guy traveling with duct tape and a bungee cord.

So if you find yourself in a tight spot. . . look for a bungee cord. It could keep up your shorts or help you free fall, which ever suits you!!


Cowgirl said...

TeeHeeHeeHee!!! You are one funny ho! I love that you posted that picture and I think that it will always make me fall on the floor laughing just like the first time. Love you and miss you already K-grrl.

xoxo gina

Anonymous said...

Rotgut....AeroMint...not plain or caramel or dark......."Not so bad"..... HOW MUCH SUGAR CAN YOU PUT IN A CUP OF COFFEE??? And how high IS your waist? Randy